Sunday, December 1, 2013

Writing Process actually did work!

So, in class, we went over our process on how we write our papers and surprisingly, this actually helped me out a lot! I did not think that doing such a process would be useful to writing my papers. I, of course, was proven wrong. I listen to music and actually make a brainstorm sheet now when I write my papers. In the long run, I think this will really benefit me. I pretty much just sat down and typed/wrote whatever popped into my head. Also, I used to hate making brainstorm sheets, I felt like they were just completely useless and that they provided no help at all. Now I see how much they make a difference and how much they can mean whenever you lose your place. I can now write my papers better than I have ever imagined! So thank you Mr. Sweeney, for going over that process with us in class. Someone did receive some benefit from that class.

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