Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Public Schools Vs. Drugs

The Chesterfield County Public Schools have banned any sort of illegal substance in their schools. First of all, why are kids bringing these drugs into school in the first place? What is the point when you could just see them outside of school and make the drop way easier than the risk of getting caught by the officer assigned for your school? I believe that these kids need to be more logical in how they make their "drops". However, they are also drug testing students at these schools. I don't really know if they are doing this to everyone or if they are only doing it to the kids who have been caught in the past/present. I think that the drug testing is a little bit too harsh on these high school kids. There is a line that needs to be drawn. Drugs, excluding marijuana, is acceptable to be tested for. Plus, the only way the school system could have gotten away with this banning of illegal substances and drug testing, is if the parents have signed a legal document that approves this school act. So, this means these parents need to read more carefully when you sign papers that your kids hand you.

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